Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weekly Tip: Change it up!

It's really easy to get stuck in a routine when it comes to working out.  We tend to stick with the same activities over and over once we find something that works.  The problem with that is that your body can adjust to anything, and after a while the same routine becomes less effective unless you keep turning up the intensity.  I recognize that problem in myself a lot, I pick a machine at the gym and use it over and over, etc, which is why my latest tip is to TRY SOMETHING NEW!

Whether it be a class at the gym, a new cardio machine, or some new strength training exercises, you should always be switching things up.  If you usually run indoors, try running outside once a week.  If you typically stick with the treadmill, try using a bike or the elliptical.  Not only does this keep your body on its toes, but it also keeps things interesting for you, which can prevent you from getting bored and giving up.  To give you an example, last night I tried a  fitness class called BODYATTACK for the first time at my gym.  It's part of the Les Mills program and it's described on their website as a "sports-inspired cardio workout for building strength and stamina. This high-energy interval training class combines athletic aerobic movements with strength and stabilization exercises."  Let me just say that this was one of the most intense workouts I've had in a long time.  The instructor informed me that people typically burn anywhere from 500-700 calories per class (it's an hour long).  My body sure is sore today, but it was totally worth it.  I'll definitely be taking the class again as a way to switch things up throughout the week.

What kinds of activities have you been wanting to try but haven't yet?  Whatever it is, go out there and do it!

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